METRO A.E.B.E – Kolokouris Georgios

On our privately owned fleet of trucks we proceeded in the upgrade of the ECU using FilosRennsport (Nikos Filos) fuel saving software. The improvement was made to the following vehicles:

  • Mercedes Benz Actros 1851 V8 trucks (42 tn)
  • Mercedes Benz Actros 2541 L lorries (26 tn)
  • Mercedes Benz Axor & Atego trucks (19 tn)
  • MAN & DAF trucks (26 tn)

Amount of improved vehicles: 52

A further consumption reduction of up to 8% compared to the original 2014 software was measured in these vehicles.

In total, the reduction in consumption compared to the trucks manufacturer’s original software has reached 12%

The engine’s smooth operation remained, while no mechanical problems of any kind have occurred.

George Kolokouris
Graduated Mechanical Engineer
Head of maintenance