On our privately owned fleet of trucks we proceeded in the upgrade of the ECU using FilosRennsport (Nikos Filos) fuel saving software. The improvement was made to the following vehicles:
- Mercedes Benz Actros 1851 V8 trucks (42 tn)
- Mercedes Benz Actros 2541 L lorries (26 tn)
- Mercedes Benz Axor & Atego trucks (19 tn)
- MAN & DAF trucks (26 tn)
Amount of improved vehicles: 52
A further consumption reduction of up to 8% compared to the original 2014 software was measured in these vehicles.
In total, the reduction in consumption compared to the trucks manufacturer’s original software has reached 12%
The engine’s smooth operation remained, while no mechanical problems of any kind have occurred.
George Kolokouris
Graduated Mechanical Engineer
Head of maintenance